высокофункциональный пессимист
Обогащать свой словарный запас при помощи слэшных фиков - это лол, конечно :33
Но фразочки хорошие.)
Будет пополняться.

icing on the cake - an additional benefit to something already good.
shoot oneself in the foot - to cause oneself difficulty; to be the author of one's own misfortune
utterly - completely
Блин, сколько вариаций!
totally, completely, absolutely, just, really, quite, perfectly, fully, entirely, extremely, altogether, thoroughly, wholly, downright, categorically.
get laid - have sexual intercourse with :gigi:
milestone -
1.A stone marker set up on a roadside to indicate the distance in miles from a given point.
2. An important event, as in a person's career, the history of a nation, or the advancement of knowledge in a field; a turning point.
dumbfound - to strike dumb with astonishment; amaze.
to curl - to twist
make room - to provide space for someone or something

@темы: англоязычное